Friday, 8 July 2011

Re-ordering of the series sections.

 I have decided after re-reading the entirity of this blog that standards slipped dramatically in the quality of the posts and in the introductions, apologies again. To correct this I am re-ordering the structure of the blog, the subsections will be appropriately labelled and assigned to a day; daily updates will be completed depending on which section falls on which day.
 The new sections are:
 Media (updated on Mondays)
 Health (Tuesdays)
 Body hacks (Wednesdays)
 Science (Thursdays)
 Life help (Fridays)
 Your World (Saturdays)
 Miscellany (Sundays)


Long time no post. Apologies

 Was initially running this blog to see if it had potential to earn any money.. turns out it did, so now I have decided to start up again and will be doing so for as long as I use a computer for procrastination.