Sunday, 13 February 2011

Now posting Life Hacks. (Body magic #1)

 This series is focus on all the fun you can have with just your body. All the hidden tricks you can do to make extrodinary experiences happen using only your body and a bit of effort will be covered and explored at depth in this series.
 The first post in the series is a bit of an overview declaring just four different techniques you can use to 'get high' of your body. This series is probably my favourite as an avid psychonaut exploring the mind is basically what I feel life is about and nothing is as fun as this pass time when you get rather good at 'hacking your brain'. Also just a word of warning, make sure you are very aware of yourself and your limits as pushing yourself with some of the techniques explored in this series can cause you real damage.

P.s hypgognia will scare the living shit out of you if your brain decides to fuck with you back but try to remain calm. Good luck.


  1. I seen this before, its like the "Choke High"?

  2. Awesome, I never heard of hypnogagia before. Now I wanna try it out. Keep up these kinds of posts, they're really fascinating.

  3. Never knew that oxygen can make you high.

  4. I often experience hypnagogic disturbances. Just when I am about to fall asleep I'll receive a shock and jump up uncontrollably. It is quite an annoyance.

  5. Postural Hypertension is dangerous, don't do this to frequent

  6. You know, I had some great success with Idoser Some have, some haven't I know. But Idoser has worked for me in the past...

  7. thanks for sharingf the first one works kind of

  8. Ha the first one otherwise known as a brain orgasm is meant to be an incredibly powerful experience. I'm unfortunatly to pussy to give it a go but from what I have been told by friends who i'v witness do it it is comparable to the break through point of a full blown salvia trip. (Only lasts a few seconds though) which for those that ever used salvia to that point will know it is an insane place to have witnessed.

  9. I never knew about any of this but you have me interested now!

  10. Haha, love posts like this. I'm assuming there is no risk really involved though!

  11. i am always intrested to read about things like this, thanks ;)

  12. I regulary do that hypnogogia, i like to wander around the house breaking things without actually doing it ^^

  13. ha thats lucid dreaming 'the game' how do you acheive it i'v been trying for ages and its like near impossible to do regularily.
