Tuesday, 22 March 2011

WTF# 4: John Chang.. May change your life forever!

I could go on and on about this video and this man, 'John Chang' but my words could really do no credit. Essentially if you ever wanted to believe in something this is it.
 After watching this myself and finding a few more extra videos to furthur cement my disbelief I went on to read the two books written by one of his five Western students and I have to say I have truely had my mind blown, I hope the same happens for you. Also I am sceptic and not likely to fall for some genuis scamster but I have never been so sure about my unsurity in my life.


  1. I've always found this kind of spiritual energy, or whatever you want to call it, interesting. Cool video!

  2. wow, truly inspiring and thought provoking.

  3. thats kinda freaky....i wanna say fake, but so many believe...so il call real

  4. This stuff is crazy. Pretty neat.

  5. thats really cool, followed :)

  6. As much as I would love to believe this, the skeptic in me will not allow it.

  7. Awesome blog!!! Really it is very cool blog!!!

  8. Ooh those needles went right through me... Great call though; really interesting!

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